Monday 12 November 2012


Loved all the freedom and creativity we were allowed to use during Textiles! Found myself exploring different techniques and materials and really liking the outcome!


During Fashion we were asked to use different papers and materials to create garments or parts of garments on to mannequins. This was a really fun and creative way of being more active and getting stuck directly into what you would actually be doing if you were to pick Fashion.


I really enjoy sampiling from Michael Brennand Wood's work as I've studied Textiles a lot before therefore I have a lot of experience in textiles techniques such as sewing and using a range of embellishment techniques, therefore I feel it is really fun to sample his work as you can get away with just using recycled materials to replicate his work effectivley!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Thomas Heatherwick

The obvious attraction to Heatherwick's work is the use of layers and overlapping of the materials. This makes the piece's more abstact and complex, it also requires you to look more closley at the object in order to identify all the different shapes and colours used.

Applied Arts

Applied Arts wasn't what I expected it to be like as I didn't realise we would be doing activities such as the metal work. Enjoyed the freedom we had to explore the different machines to create the cubes! However after a while I did find myself repeating techniques to often and therefore just filling space on the cube for the sake of it.